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La Valentina, with Vale n' Tina, is a podcast about queer friendship! We celebrate queer Latinx artists and our accomplices! Take a listen queridxs!

Jul 29, 2020

In this episode we dissect the documentary ‘Mucho Mucho Amor, the legend of Walter Mercado’. We dive into his life, his significance in brown communities, his flamboyant queerness, his "artist look", and go on a rant about artists and contracts! In our second half we interview our first guest the fabulous artist Edgar Fabian Frias who talks about the influence Walter Mercado had on their creative practices! (the interview starts at 38:55)



website: Edgar Fabian Frias

Energy Practice: Edgar Fabian Frias

instagram: Edgar Fabian Frias

Mucho Mucho Amor, the Legend of Walter Mercado

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