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La Valentina, with Vale n' Tina, is a podcast about queer friendship! We celebrate queer Latinx artists and our accomplices! Take a listen queridxs!

Feb 11, 2022

In this final episode of Season 2: Latin(X)equis we take a look back at the series and look forward to the future. We hear from our guests on how they envision the future of Latinx Art. We swoon over our dynamic, expansive, complex, and vast Latinx community. We realize we are not alone. And we send a call to action to all of our listeners - Support Latinx Artists, Collect the art of Latinx Artists, and champion Latinx artists in your own sphere of influence no matter how big or small it may be. We are stronger when we are together and we are stronger when we uplift each other up!!  

Stay tuned for Season 3! 

Hasta Pronto!!! 

-Vale n' Tina