Dec 17, 2021
Karen Vidangos, known as “Latina in Museums” online, is a digital strategist and Latinx art advocate. Founder of the first nationwide digital collective exclusively for U.S. Latinx artists, Latinx Art Collective, Karen uses social media to highlight the Latinx community in the art world.
As social media strategist for the Smithsonian, Karen has led campaigns at the National Portrait Gallery, such as the 2019 American Portrait Gala, the Obama Portraits National Tour, and Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence. She was recently appointed as the lead social strategist for the Smitshonian’s new Our Shared Future: Reckoning with Our Racial Past initiative, convening national conversations about race and community.
She's written for A Woman's Thing and Remezcla, and been featured in Bust Magazine, Bustle, Remezcla, and The Art Gorgeous. She has been an invited speaker at Tufts University, the University of Maryland, and George Washington University.
Karen received her undergraduate degree in art history and criticism from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a master's degree in museum studies from George Washington University, with a concentration in museum management.
Learn more about her by visiting